How to Choose A Handheld Vacuum Cleaner?

Our company always focuses on developing and manufacturing household vacuum cleaners

How to Choose A Handheld Vacuum Cleaner?

Update: 28-01-2022

Lightweight hand-held wireless vacuum cleaners have become a popular "net red" cleaning product in recent years. Handheld wireless vacuum cleaners are small in size, flexible in use, light in weight, and have many brush heads and suction heads. They can clean almost the whole house and are favored by the majority of post-90s generation. Careful research found that there are still many problems in the current domestic handheld wireless vacuum cleaner market, and the product quality is uneven. Today, Xiaobian has compiled a selection tutorial for handheld vacuum cleaners. You will know after reading it.

First and foremost is suction. Suction power is the primary factor that affects the cleanliness and cleaning efficiency of the vacuum cleaner. It is worth noting that the greater the suction, the better. On the one hand, the excessive suction will cause the household vacuum cleaner to be too heavy, and the battery life will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, the suction will be too large and the noise will be more obvious. . Of course, if the suction is too small, it cannot absorb anything, so it must be emphasized here that the suction is appropriate.

The second is the battery life, which actually has a certain relationship with the home area. For a handheld vacuum cleaner, 20 minutes is enough for a house below 100 square meters, and 40 minutes for a house between 150 and 180 square meters. Otherwise, it needs to be charged halfway through cleaning, which is a very uncomfortable experience.

The last one is the filter system. For household vacuum cleaners, the filter system must be strong enough to lock mites, dust, and bacteria in the dust cup of the handheld vacuum cleaner to avoid being discharged to pollute the air for the second time.

Here we recommend Longwin vacuum cleaner manufacturers, you can choose according to your needs.